Dividends and Distributions

Vicinity has recently established a Distribution Reinvestment Plan. Click link below to view the announcementView here

Dividends and Distributions

We make half-yearly dividend and distribution payments to Securityholders, unless the Board determines and announces otherwise. These are paid in February/March and August/September for the corresponding December and June six-monthly periods. We have mandatory direct credits (ie no cheque payments) for all Securityholders. To update your banking details on your registered holding, you can contact our Security Registry, MUFG Corporate Markets (formerly Link Market Services), online or by phone:

Website: MUFG Investor Centre
Phone: +1300 887 890 between 8.30am and 5.30pm (Sydney time) business days

A summary of securityholder payments made by Vicinity Centres (formerly Federation Centres) since June 2012 can be found here.

A summary of securityholder payments made by Novion Property Group can be found here.

Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

The DRP provides eligible securityholders with an optional, convenient and cost-efficient method of reinvesting all or part of their distributions into new securities. As a voluntary program, securityholders who do not participate will continue to receive their distributions in cash.

More information can be found via the DRP Rules and FAQs.

If Securityholders wish to apply for, or vary participation in the DRP, please login to our MUFG Corporate Markets (formerly Link Market Services), at au.investorcentre.mpms.mufg.com. You will need your portfolio login details or your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) and select the Payments & Tax/Reinvestment Plans tab and update your DRP instructions accordingly.

Securityholders can also update the DRP Election Form. DRP participation can be cancelled at any time in the securityholder portal following the instructions above, or by contacting the Security Registry for a DRP Cancellation Form.

Completed forms should be sent to MUFG Corporate Markets via one of the following options:
Email: vicinity@cm.mpms.mufg.com
Website: au.investorcentre.mpms.mufg.com
Post: Vicinity Centres, C/- MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited, Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia.
