To assist you in better understanding our business, we have provided below some answers to the most commonly asked questions we receive.
Frequently Asked Questions
To assist you in better understanding our business, we have provided some answers to the most commonly asked questions.Securityholder Questions
How can I change to electronic communications?
Recent legislative changes to the Corporations Act 2001 effective 1 April 2022 means there are new options available to you as a securityholder as to how you elect to receive your communications. We will no longer send you physical meeting documents unless you request a copy to be mailed.
We encourage you to provide your email address so we can communicate with you electronically when securityholder notices become available online for such items as meeting documents, dividend statements and annual reports.
You can make a standing election to receive some or all of your securityholder communications in physical or electronic form. You can also tell us if you do not want to receive a hard copy of the Annual Report. You will always be able to access and read our Annual Report or Notice of Meeting when it is published on our website and the ASX market announcement platform.
To review or update your current communication preference simply log on to our Security Registry’s website, MUFG Corporate Marekts (formerly Link Market Services), at You will need your portfolio login details or your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) and select the Communications tab at the top of the page.
You can also make ad hoc requests to receive documents in physical or electronic form. If at any time you wish to make such a request, or you require an additional copy of a communication, or you need more information about the options available to you, please contact our Security Registry by email or phone:
Phone: +61 1300 887 890 between 8.30am and 5.30pm (Sydney time) business days
How do I change my registration details, e.g. address, bank account details etc.?
Our Security Registry has a number of options available to make changes to personal information relating to your securityholding:
Website: Click through to access the MUFG Investor Centre website to amend details online or download the appropriate form where necessary.
You can also view and update your holding information through the Security Registry by email, phone, online or post:
Phone: +61 1300 887 890 contact the Security Registry to request an instruction form, 8.30am to 5.30pm (Sydney time) business days
Post: Forward a signed written instruction (include relevant form where necessary) to Vicinity Centres, C/- MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited, Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235
How do I give notification of my tax file number (TFN)?
Please contact our Security Registry by phone or put your request in writing. Alternatively, you can update this information online by logging into the MUFG Investor Centre website.
How do I access my current securityholding?
You can access details of your current securityholding by logging into the MUFG Investor Centre website.
How can I find historical security prices?
You can access the latest security price (and a range of options on historical pricing) at the Security Price page, noting there is a 20 minute delay.
What is the value of my investment?
As the securities of Vicinity Centres are listed on the ASX, their value can change throughout the day. To calculate the value of your investment, simply multiply the number of securities you hold by the current security price. You can access the latest security price (and a range of options on historical pricing) at the Security Price page, noting there is a 20 minute delay.
You can access your number of securities held by logging into the MUFG Investor Centre website.
How do I contact the Security Registry?
You can contact MUFG Corporate Markets (formerly Link Market Services) by email, phone, online, facsimile or post:
Phone: +61 1300 887 890 between 8.30am and 5.30pm (Sydney time) business days
Facsimile: +61 2 9287 0303 (+61 2 9287 0309 for proxy voting)
Post: Vicinity Centres C/- MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited, Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia
Listed Property Trusts General Questions
What is an A-REIT?
A-REIT stands for Australian Real Estate Investment Trust. Historically, they have been known as Listed Property Trusts (LPTs). An A-REIT is a property trust which invests in a portfolio of property assets and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Investors are able to buy securities in an A-REIT on the ASX, which provides them with a share of the ownership of the trust and entitlements to the returns of the trust. The major benefit of A-REITs is that they can provide access to assets that may be otherwise out of reach for individual investors, such as large-scale commercial properties. A-REITs are designed to generate wealth in two ways: they provide exposure to the value of the real estate assets that the trust owns and the accompanying capital growth, as well as rental income. A-REITs may appeal to investors looking to diversify their portfolio into property with potential to receive a regular and consistent income stream.
According to the ASX website, A-REITs that have stapled securities (like Vicinity Centres) provide investors with exposure to a funds management and/or a property development company, as well as a real estate portfolio. A share in a stapled securities fund usually consists of one trust unit and one share in a company. These securities are ‘stapled’ and cannot be traded separately. The trust holds the portfolio of assets, while the related company carries out the fund’s management functions and/or manages any development opportunities.
Being listed on the ASX, securities in A-REITs are traded each day and their price will rise and fall according to market conditions.
What are stapled securities?
Entities on the ASX that have stapled securities, are comprised of two or more entities, such that the units or shares of each entity are stapled together to create a single tradable security. Under stapling provisions, generally only stapled securities may be traded, not the separate units or shares that make up each stapled security.
Each Vicinity Centres stapled security is comprised of one Vicinity Centres Trust unit and one Vicinity Limited share.
What does listed mean?
A company is 'listed' when its securities are quoted (or listed) on the ASX. As the securities of Vicinity Centres are listed on the ASX and actively traded each day (under the trading code ‘VCX’, their value will rise and fall according to market conditions. This is different from other unit trusts (which are unlisted) where the investment manager calculates the unit price daily. Securities in listed entities can be bought or sold via an ASX participant broker.
What is the 'Record Date'?
The Record Date is the date on which the Group’s security register is closed off to identify the securityholders and to calculate any entitlement to the current distribution. All change of address notifications, request for payment of distributions direct to an Australian financial institution, TFN/ABN or exemption notification instructions election forms must be incorporated onto the security register by 5.00pm on the Record Date to apply for the current distribution and dividend.
Key Dates can be viewed on the Investors page
Vicinity Centres General Questions
What brokers report on Vicinity Centres?
The following brokers have coverage of Vicinity Centres. To obtain the latest broker contact details, email us at:
Daiwa Capital Markets
Evans & Partners
JP Morgan
Morgan Stanley
How do I obtain a Product Disclosure Statement for Vicinity Centres?
As Vicinity Centres is listed on the ASX, you do not require a Product Disclosure Statement or an application form to invest. You can simply buy or sell securities in Vicinity Centres by contacting an ASX participant broker.
How do I buy or sell securities?
As Vicinity Centres is listed on the ASX, you can buy or sell securities in Vicinity Centres directly via the ASX by contacting your ASX participant broker. If you don't have a stockbroker, the ASX provides useful hints at for selecting an appropriate stockbroker, as well as providing a list of participating stockbrokers on the ASX.
Is a Reinvestment Plan (DRP) available?
Yes, Vicinity has established a DRP for securityholders. A copy of Vicinity’s DRP Rules and Frequently Asked Questions, together with information on how to participate, are available on the Dividends and Distributions page.
When is the next distribution payment due?
For details of Vicinity Centres distribution payment dates and mailings, please refer to the Key Dates on the Investors page.
How do I calculate information for my tax return?
Securityholders will be sent an Annual Tax Statement in September each year. This statement will provide securityholders with the information they require to complete their tax return. If you would like another copy of a previous tax statement, please refer to the Tax Informaton page.
How do I make a complaint?
We are committed to delivering a high level of service to all securityholders. Should there be some way you feel that we can improve our service, we would like to know. Whether you are making a suggestion or a complaint, your feedback is always appreciated and you can email them at:
We have an Investor Complaints Policy and are committed to resolving complaints equitably and efficiently. If you have a complaint you can submit them via email, phone or post:
Phone: +61 2 8229 7755 contact 8.30am to 5.00pm business days
Post: Complaints Officer, Vicinity Centres, Level 4, Queen Victoria Building, 455 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
The Responsible Entity is also a member (member no. 28912) of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an external dispute resolution scheme to handle complaints from consumers in the financial system. If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint by the Responsible Entity, you can submit them via email, phone, online or post:
Phone: 1800 931 678
Post: AFCA, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001