We are proud of our growing relationship with Wilco Electrical, a Supply Nation certified Indigenous-owned business.
Approximately four years ago, Vicinity started working with Wilco Electrical who now provides electrical maintenance for all our centres in Western Australia, as well as completing project work such as energy efficiency upgrades and ongoing repairs and maintenance.
Not only are Wilco proudly Indigenous-owned, but they provide training and apprenticeships to young Aboriginal People in Western Australia with three 4-year in-house electrical apprenticeships as a direct result of working with Vicinity.
The expansion of Ellenbrook Central which was completed in FY21, saw more than 500 new solar generating car park shades installed and new complimentary electric vehicle charging stations connected to the centre’s expansive rooftop solar system. Wilco Electrical was engaged to undertake electrical work for the solar car park shades.
Frank Mitchell, Director of Wilco Electrical said,
“A big thank you to Vicinity, your support has been a major contributor to our success and our ability to provide training, skills and work experience to local Aboriginals in WA. Together with Vicinity, we’re looking forward to developing even more pathways for Aboriginal people. We encourage other businesses to follow Vicinity’s lead and try Supply Nation suppliers like Wilco to help create more employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians”.